
Discrepancy... not anyone’s fault (I)

Love, when it comes to marriage.. is like entering a totally different world..
I’m not saying that the meaning would change, but the focus would absolutely change.
In other words, a couple who spend a day without having commitment as husband and wife might not think of the so-called kid. Perhaps some do consider about this but I believe it’s only for those who 100% love kids.

The point is . . .

Men and women tend to have a different goal in living this life. For women who do not have high education background tend to follow their husbands without having the reasons or let’s say the right reasons to do it. They have no power needed to deny their husbands although what the husbands do might not be proper.

The funny thing is; God always decides this way.. setting a powerful man up to a weak lady.. which is in certain ways none can uncover this fact. However, because of the difference somehow some couple survive better. Which is again, very funny. Let’s take an example: you have a discussion with some friends about something then you are in the cons part, I believe that you whatever happens would defend your argument to show the right points based on your paradigm. It is to say, if this situation happens in a marriage life, then, what happen?
Well, some couples who are deeply into it would may be act as nothing happen, while others who never imagine things will work that way can end up in the court with excellent lawyers.
Everything on earth can be seen from many sides. It’s like two sides of a coin. Just flip and you’ll see the other part. Anyway, life wouldn't  be that easy since we people, human being, are likely to see it not only from two sides.

In a marriage where the women have high education, things won’t go easier, it might be more complicated since women would not only do but think. Their paradigm of life tries to suit the others around her. They, tend to be more modern, and are able to find the smart ways in solving any problems even though  the way they think might not be understood by others especially their husband. This would create incomparable argument in which their thoughts experiencing dramatic discrepancy.

How to solve?

They should go back to the first time they say “yes for the marriage”. It will somehow refresh their mind about the huge feeling they might have back in those days.
Is it easy? No, BIG NO, since everyone cannot just go back to see what’s behind them while they have gone far away from that.

However, some are willing to do that... while others not, especially those who have tried to deny any negative thoughts before getting into marriage.


Well, since they couldn't solve the problem in the early marriage, they will live with it like forever. Some couples who realise the fact that they actually cannot be together in a marriage will not go further on the whole things by cancelling the wedding, but those who feel the same way and surrounded by their family won’t have a huge capacity to do anything except trying to go through with it and find a way to fix it.

Pretty risky? Yes, but life would be very boring if everything goes on the right path without any bump.
Am I right on this? 

The best advice is .. find your true love, find a soul mate (literally) who can suits your intelligence, no matter what, even if you need 10 years, someday you’ll thank God for that.


This Is It.. PART 7.... ^_^

"It doesn't take a long time to realize that someone is in love or attracted to others, but somehow it takes years to finally find someone just your type.. "

Joey stopped reading an article written by one of her journalists. She closed her eyes and turned on the music, Incognito which might be the best answer to refresh her mind.
She never realized that one of her partners in publishing business was one of her types. A modern man whose thoughts suit her paradigm, whose attitudes
 resemble to hers in every way.
"it's really annoying....."
"what is so annoying...?"
Lena popped up a question when she suddenly entered the room. Joey was surprised, She opened her eyes, then smiled and said: "you know Lena... it's annoying when you finally meet someone you had been looking for ... like.. years..but you cannot change the things since you have your commitment with someone else.."
Lena sat on the table and starred at her close friend. Her eyebrows were lifted and her mouth was frozen then it was opened slowly.
"I'm not following.. sorry.. what are you talking about?"
"It's about the guy just my type.."
"No idea.."
"Well... you know this man.. He's one of our business relations"
"Hold on.. are you saying that you like someone other than your boyfriend?"
"Hmmm.. I'm not saying that I like him.. but.. I might have a special feeling for him.."
"Oh Dear, you are in trouble.. don't mess up with your beautiful life dear... it's your future for God sake..!"
"I know.. I'm not trying to jeopardize my life.. my future.. it's just strange.. awkward... it's like.. you lost your fave stuff and suddenly you find it.. it's such a miracle.. you know.."
Lena put her hands in the air and stood in front of Joey.
"Ok.. it's your life.. it's your future.. I'm just one of your external factors..I'm out.. call me when you are done with your work.."
Joey smiled starring at her best friend walking out her room and again read the article she had to edit.

(To be continued)



another NEw Life . . .

Ada gitu another new life?
Of course... tergantung darimana kita melihat dan mengartikannya.

Ada sebuah fakta yang hingga kini patut untuk difahami dan mungkin ditela'ah sedikit.
Fakta tentang rencana anak manusia . . . that's how I name it . . .

Semua manusia atau makhluk hidup di dunia ini dengan atau tanpa sadar selalu merencanakan segala sesuatu dalam menjalani hidupnya.

Semua rencana yang sudah dibuat seringkali meleset dari perkiraan atau bisa jadi sesuai dengan perkiraan.
Semuanya sudah ada yang mengatur... Tuhan pastinya... tidak mungkin sesama manusia mampu menciptakan rencana-rencana yang luar biasa indah, dan diluar dari imajinasi seseorang.

Meski sering saya berkata "again.. it's out of plan" . . . tapi tidak jarang pula saya bersyukur karena mengalami "out of plan" itu.

Setelah menjalani kehidupan selama hampir tiga puluh tahun, saya mulai menyadari, bahwa the greatest power on the universe itu memang belongs to Allah SWT.

kenapa harus menunggu selama itu untuk bisa benar-benar menyadari hal tersebut? I don't have the answer for that...  hanya Allah yang bisa menjawabnya...

bertahun-tahun yang lalu . . . apa yang saya rencanakan selalu sesuai dengan list yang saya buat. which is WOW! karena tidak semua orang bisa mengalami itu.

namun suatu ketika, Allah mulai menegur . . . "Vie, please ... you are a human being" yang pastinya tidak bisa memprediksi segala sesuatunya dengan benar.

sempat terjatuh karena sakit, saya kembali berjalan dengan tertatih-tatih.
TIRING!! tapi akhirnya saya mampu berjalan sampai sejauh ini. Subhanallah!!!

saya semakin sadar diri bahwa manusia sudah sepatutnya menyadari bahwa segala sesuatu yang didapat belum tentu menjadi miliknya selamanya.

merasakan kehilangan bukanlah hal yang baru untuk diceritakan, namun layak untuk diingat kembali karena ketika kita kehilangan sesuatu.. sebenarnya Allah menggantinya dengan sesuatu yang lebih indah. TRUST ME!!!

Have fun with every single moment you have, then you'll feel the difference... ^___________^


. . . Bahkan satu titik-pun bermakna dalam . . .

Suatu ketika, di kelas Pasca Sarjana, mata kuliah Teaching Practice

Pagi itu kami sedang berdiskusi tentang RPP seorang teman dengan mata kuliah Reading.

Dosen saya bertanya "kenapa titiknya harus tiga?"
Saya menjawab dengan lantang "karena itu standard dalam pembuatan soal ma'am"
Beliau tidak lantas mengiyakan, beliau menambahkan pertanyaan "apa alasan dibalik jumlah titik yang hanya tiga?"
Beliau terlihat cukup emosional, hingga ahirnya ada seorang teman yang mengangkat tangan dan berujar "Titik yang dipakai hanya tiga karena di akhir soal sudah terdapat satu titik, yang artinya jumlah titik ada empat."
Beliau tersenyum lega karena pada akhirnya beliau tak lagi harus menjelaskan sesuatu yang sebenarny sudah kami pelajari pada perkuliahan semester 1.

Titik . . . .

it's a very simple thing but it has a deep meaning, it's not only a dot, it's more than that.

Dari sini saya berusaha memahami suatu fakta tentang saya, yang selama ini seringkali memperhatikan detil-detil yang mungkin bagi orang lain tak berarti apapun.

Selagi masih dalam batas wajar, apa yang selama ini saya lakukan ternyata memang harus dilakukan.




This Is It.. part 6

It was saturday, and like the other days, she went to her office, where she worked as an editor, a job that took her busy all the time.
She liked that job very much, well, she did not like it at the first time, but then she fell in love with it. She helped many new writers became better writers, and she enjoyed reading many people's works.
She could manage her time between working and having fun very well.

That morning, in her room at the office. She gazed at her computer sharply. She had to edit a journal that would be published internationally, for several times her right finger clicked on delete button.
Suddenly her cellphone rang, she ignored it and kept focusing her eyes on the screen.
About fifteen minutes later, one of her staffs knocked on her door.
She raised her eyebrows, and put off her glasses.
She asked: "What's up Clara?"
Clara said: "Well, someone is calling you, He said he called your cellphone but you didn't pick it up"

In a second she looked at her cellphone and smiled.
"well.. yeah it's my boyfriend, just tell him to hang up the phone, I 'll contact him later"
Clara smiled back at her and said: "are you sure? I mean, it seems he really wants to talk to you"
She answered: "yes, thanks, but I cannot leave this stuff".

(to be continued)