
a Joke..from Argentina

An elderly couple goes to Burger King, where they carefully split a burger and fries. A trucker takes pity on them and offers to buy the wife her own meal.

"it's all right," says the husband. "we share everything."

A few minutes later, the trucker notices that the wife hasn't taken a bite. "i really wouldn't mind buying your wife her own meal," he insists.

"She'll eat," the husband assures him. "we share everything."

Unconvinced, the trucker implores the wife, "Why aren't you eating?"

The wife snaps, "Because I'm waiting for the teeth!"

RD ASIA 09'09


home sweet home 6 'right here right now'

sometimes we forget that mom was the first person on earth who knew us..

we stayed in her tummy for 9 months (more or less) and we kicked her several times to assure her that we were there ...and... bla bla bla....

but sometimes mom forgets, that today.. we are grown up and she still thinks we are just the kids...

one thing for sure,,, we never forget to call her mom... every single day of our lives...

'the answer is 107'

- The number of mobile phone uesrs in Japan will increase to 107 million by the end of 2010

- According to Nestle, a milk chocolate two finger Kit Kat contains 107 calories (448kJ)

- Robert Pattinson starred as 107-year-old vampire, Edward Cullen, in Twillight

- X-Men Origins: Wolverine has a running time of 107 minutes

Reader's Digest Sept'o9


home sweet home 5 'long vacation'

it's gonna be the longest vacation for me...

aslinya mulai msk tgl 30, but nanggung banget... tgl 1 da acr the wed of shofi
jadilah cuti... en bru masuk tgl 5

katanya siih tgl 28 da halal bihalal di kantor,, tapi gimana ya...
males banget harus bolak balik.. mlg -- mgt .. palagi lewat jalan berkelok di pujon,,

haddddooooh... gak kukuh...

kalo' naik lancer evo X gpp.... hahahahahaha....


home sweet home 4 'the moment'

few days at home makes me feel so happy............

can't say a word....

so speechless.....



home sweet home 3 'family gathering'

tomorrow is gonna b the d'day...

so ....... time to think of what we've done...
whether it's wrong or right...

we need and have to try to be a better person...

when i was a kid,,, when lebaran came.. i was like " wooow lebaran.. family gathering.. yummy foods.. and bla2... bla2...."

today.... when i am a bit older... i'm like.... "here we go... Lebarn 2009... not all of th big family can join the gathering... coz... they have to join their new family gathering..."

but still... there's no day... that can replace the glory of Lebaran day....no matter how.. (lebay dikiit)

so guys.... met menyambut hari kemenangan ya....

smoga bener2 menang dari hawa2 syaitanyang terkutuk....



home sweet home 2

finally um home....

seeing mom en dad...

but unfortunately.. haven't met lil' fadhel en yu niez... may be tomorrw...
anyway... a bit boring staying at home...

biasane go to work... di rumah nyantei polll...

agak kagok...
tapi ennnnaaaaaakkk dimasakin ma mommy....
di kos berjuang dewe... hehehehhe.....

bentar lagie lebaran....

lebaran... sbntr lagi...


home sweet home

can't wait to be home soon....

can't wait to see mommy and daddy...

can't wait to see fadhel ... big Ali and Yu niez..

can't wait to see Dyien...and bang wiwin...

can't wait to see the cutest cat Belang..

can't wait to see d' big familia...