
a confession

If you ask me a question
"are you okay?"
I probably will answer
though my heart says "I'm not.. I'm trying to be okay"

such a complicated matter
when it comes to heart
at least that what I feel 

I never imagined being hurt
I never imagined being alone

However ....

time goes by...
I cannot control any situation in my life
everything seems so extra ordinary
beyond my imagination
beyond my knowledge

it starts freaking me out
it makes me feel like 'life is not fun'
it drives me think 'life is painful'

it takes more than 24 hours to realize that life is more than that..
it takes months to finally get the ideas of being happy is not always being perfect
since perfect never exists

I need a big courage from my own self to eventually believe that my mind is worthy
I should stop thinking about every issue in my life
so that I can get a better chance to change the things


it's my confession about what I have been feeling recently

Life is actually not just 'being alive'
Life is precisely about 'taking and giving'

to me.. 
this time..
giving more is a brilliant idea..

and... saying 'thanks'
is such a marvelous thing... no matter what happen inside our heart.. 


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