
Happy Mother's Day..

I have no idea why 22nd December is called as Mother's day...

Yet we all know.. every day mother is still a mother

I remember those days.. when my mom was so busy with her job.. travelling into several places.. out of town.. I was on my own..

I had a baby sitter so mom didn't worry a thing.. at least. that what I thought.


once I felt my mom didn't care about me.. just because so many times I met her only in the evening,or a few minutes in the morning..

But when I was at university..

I felt different..

I was like... hey.. I'm so proud having that kind of mom, although we rarely met, but we still kept in touch by phone

I remember when I had a lot of problems with boys.. with school.. with college... (women.. ^^)
she was there helping me out of them..

now... she is still there..

she is a real mom .. always knows the best for us..

who always teaches us (her children) to be better people

she teaches us.. how to be special.. special because we can share many things to friends .. relatives..

if I have to describe how she is.. then words are not enough..

my mom is not perfect.. but to me.. she is so amazing..

I learn to be an independent woman from her..
She had a bright career.. I want to be like her
but surely it's gonna be different... hmmm...

at the time she retired from her job.. many people still trusted her to be a leader..
now... She is busy with several organisations...

She really enjoys her life

I enjoy being her daughter..

that's my mom....

how is your mom???
share your story... ^^

BRAVO for the MOTHERS... ^_^

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